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Our cover


Álvaro Uribe Vélez

Drug trafficking, murder, paramilitarism, exploitation, usurption, robbery and corruption, among others.

Born July 4, 1952 (curiously, U.S. Independence Day).

His father, Álvaro Uribe Vélez Sierra, was a drug trafficker who was jailed to be extradited in 1982, when Álvaro Jr. was 30 years old and manager of Civil Aeronautics of Colombia, a post from which he was removed in humiliation for having issued pilot’s licences to members of the Medellín drug cartel, allowing them to fly large quantities of cocaine out of Colombia.

In 1983 he became Mayor of Medellín and once again was removed, due to the services he rendered to his boss at that time, Pablo Escobar Gaviria.

He was Governor of Antioquia Department (luckily for him, he was not kicked out). As Governor, he pushed organization of the CONVIVIR ‘Community Associations’, the project of which reflects his peculiar political conception. The CONVIVIR were corner stones for the murder and repression of the campesino and working classes of our Colombia. They were also the base for developing paramilitarism.

Álvaro Uribe Vélez is searched

Álvaro Uribe Vélez is searched

The damage was done: AUV and the AUC, brothers that are bleeding Colombia. His ‘community’ project received a boost when he was named a senator. He was awarded the prize of ‘Star Senator’ (we kid you not!) and ‘Senator of the Year’. He pushed the following laws:

Law 50/90, the Labour Law Reform that made possible:
- Stripping Colombian workers of the protection and benefits they had won.
- Elimination of the right to strike in the public services entities.
- The criminalization of popular protest.
- The increase of the workers’ hours of labour.
- The boom in temporary businesses and employment
- And the creation of the Pension Funds in order to deprive the workers of their retirement payments.

Law 100/93, the Social Security System Law. By this law the State allowed the monopolistic groups to take control of the affiliates of the Pension Funds, thus causing the bankruptcy of the Social Security Institution (ISS), with terrible consequences for the people in general.
These are some of the antecedents of the Colombian oligarchy’s president.

Can this be the representative of the Colombian people?

Komsomol's left on civil war... 
Photo: Jason P.Howe, 2002: Text: Relationships develop within the camp but can only continue with approval from a commande

Komsomol's left on civil war... (the Soviet song)
Photo: Jason P.Howe, 2002: Text: Relationships develop within the camp but can only continue with approval from a commander

Translation on English by: elbarcino@laneta.apc.org  

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